Zombillenium, the Halloween theme park, happens to be the one place on earth where real monsters can hide in plain sight. When Hector, a human, threatens to disclose the true identity of his employees, the Vampire Park Manager has no other choice but to hire him. To see his daughter, Hector must escape from his Zombies and Werewolves coworkers.
In 1964, Jean Ziegler was asked by Che Guevara to fight the “capitalist Monster”. Former collaborator of Kofi Annan, professor and writer, Ziegler’s books still act as a manifesto to left-wing intelligentsia. At the UN Human Rights Council, he fights against “vulture funds”, a new avatar of the “Monster”. He goes back to Cuba, in his opinion the mother of all anticapitalist forces. The visit becomes a dialogue between reality and symbolism, confronting his thinking with today’s Cuban destiny.
Determined to stop drinking, Joseph moves into a friend’s house and convinces his ex-wife Emma to join him. In the troubled times of Quebec independence referendum, this is the account of their stormy reunion.
Coffret contenant 3 films du réalisateur Alexandre Rockwell. 3 perles du cinéma indépendant américain en noir et blanc.
Sweet Thing (2020, 1h31) : New Bedford, Massachusetts. Billie, jeune adolescente, et son petit frère Nico luttent pour trouver leur place dans une famille dysfonctionnelle. Partagés entre un père alcoolique mais aimant et une mère trop souvent absente, leur vie oscille entre malaises et incompréhensions. Lors d’un été mouvementé, ils rencontrent Malik, jeune garçon en quête d’ailleurs, et décident de fuguer avec lui.
In The Soup (1992, 1h33) : Un auteur au chômage vend son scénario ...
In the mid 1980’s seventeen year old Vicki Maloney is randomly abducted from a suburban street by a disturbed couple. As she observes the dynamic between her captors she quickly realises she must drive a wedge between them if she is to survive.
=> Original version with optional French or Spanish subtitles