A man wakes up and mysteriously finds himself trapped in an empty, white rectangular room, wearing clownish bright yellow polka dot pajamas. Where is he? Who did this to him? How did he end up here? Will he manage to make him escape to safety? Meanwhile, in a Mexican dusty town, a green-masked wrestler known as Escargot man prepares for an important match. As the nameless prisoner appears closer to escape and Escargot man steps into the ring, filmmaker Matsumoto amplifies the baffling yet suspenseful atmosphere to a crescendo of ridiculous excess.
Just as Stella enters the exciting world of adolescence she discovers that her big sister and role model Katja is hiding an eating disorder. The disease slowly tears the family apart. A story about jealousy, love and betrayal told with warmth, depth and laughter – on and off the ice.
“When you shop with a conscience, you don’t save the world, you save the corporations”. Environmentally friendly electric cars, sustainably produced food products, fair production processes: Hurray! If everything the corporations tell us is true, we can save the world through our purchasing decisions alone! A popular and dangerous lie. Are the industry’s “green products” nothing more than a sales strategy?
In his new documentary film, Werner Boote (Plastic Planet, Everything Under Control) shows us, together with environmental expert Kathrin Hartmann, how we can protect ourselves. They easily banter, they agree to disagree and ult...
Depuis la fermeture de la frontière entre la France et l’Italie en 2015, la vallée de la Roya est devenue le symbole de l’insoumission. Les migrants bloqués à Vintimille continuent de passer en déjouant barrages et contrôles, aidés par certains habitants de la vallée. Dans cette enclave où des migrants espèrent atteindre un avenir meilleur, la solidarité des habitants est devenue un acte de résistance.
Determined to stop drinking, Joseph moves into a friend’s house and convinces his ex-wife Emma to join him. In the troubled times of Quebec independence referendum, this is the account of their stormy reunion.